Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


My Flatmates

Dear All,
I would introduce all my flatmates to you here today. I live in a quite beautiful accommodation where is close by the Lake, therefore, the residence I stay with is so-called "Lakeside". There are a lot of ducks, gulls and swans by the riverbank in the afternoon and at night. My flatmates came from different parts of the world. There are 8 people live in my flat: we all have our own bedroom and bathroom(with bathtub) and only need to share the kitchen together. I would introduce my flatmates in the order of the room number as below.

Room 1, John=Ioannis, from Greece. Ioannis has exactly the same name as my ex-flatmate in Bristol, however, they are 2 very different persons. Ioannis is doing his PhD in Philosophy. He works very hard daily and he is fond of movies.

Room 2, Yoshi, from Japan. Yoshi is the only one in this flat who would call me Tae, my Japanese name most of the time. Apart from being my flatmate, Yoshi is also my Japanese tutor. He came to UK for getting his MBA and he left his families in Japan. Yoshi is a very nice and kind person; he loves beers and wines very much.

Room 3, Rose Anne, from St.Lucia, a very beautiful island in Caribbean. She loves all the Asian food. Her favourite food are cereal and hot cholocate. Rose Anne is doing her master in gender studies. I enjoy in chatting and sharing with her a lot.

Room 4, Claire, from Taiwan. Claire was an instructor at a university in Kaohsiung before she came to UK. She was the first one I knew in the flat. She helped me a lot when the first week I just arrived here. Claire is working on her PhD in translation studies.

Room 5, June, from Korea. June is a very great cook and she love cooking as well. June is a very active girl and therefore, sometimes out flat is too quiet for her. (Well, sometimes, there is not even a sound in our flat la.) June is doing her master degree here.

Room 6, Intissar, from Libya. Intissar is super charming girl in my flat. She has a lot of admirers from all over the world. However, she sets up a quite high standard to look for her Mr. Right (tall, strong, intelligent and with green eyes). Intissar is working on her master as well.

Room 7, Jennifer's room la!! Yes, lucky 7! There is not much I could say about me since that you all know me well. You could see a lot of photos in my room. I posted them on the board and wall. The photos are my best friends, my students, myself and my super idol=leehom Wang.

Room 8, Russel, from South Africa. Russel is very very tall. I wonder whether guys from South Africa are all very tall ( I knew someone from there is very tall as well). He is doing his MBA here as well. Russel is a very funny person. However, I sometimes could not tell whether he is taking something very serious or just kidding through his ways of expression.

Russel would be the only one that you could not see from the photos I posted. However, I will try to steal one of his photo as soon as possible :O


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