Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.



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Peggy and I found a great museum of Impressionism painting in Paris other than Musee d'Orsay and Musee du Louvre which not many guidebooks would introduce it. It has quite a lot collections of Claude Monet and other great artists—Musee Marmottan Monet. It is a must-go museum for whoever likes the period of Impressionism paintings.
Peggy和我發現新大陸喔!ㄧ間一般旅遊書不會介紹到有關印象派藝術的美術館--Musee Marmottan Monet(在巴黎).通常到巴黎必看的羅浮宮和奧塞美術館已經有不少印象派藝術的作品,不過,這間位在非市中心的小美術館卻珍藏了更多大師莫內的名畫,有他ㄧ系列的睡蓮作品喔!強力推薦這家美術館給所有喜歡印象派藝術的各位.

What is Impressionism? Impressionist art is a style in which the artist captures the image of an object as someone would see it if they just caught a glimpse of it. They paint the pictures with a lot of color and most of their pictures are outdoor scenes. Their pictures are very bright and vibrant. The artists like to capture their images without detail but with bold colors. Some of the greatest impressionist artists were Edouard Manet, Camille Pissaro, Edgar Degas, Alfred Sisley, Claude Monet, Berthe Morisot and Pierre Auguste Renoir.
什麼是印象派藝術?印象派藝術是一種藝術形態,畫家所呈現出來的景象和你實際看到的是一樣的畫風.印象派的畫家們把光的輝煌、色的亮度與純度加以強調,並如眼睛所見地去畫,即重視視覺印象.唯有在陽光下才能給予物體這種微妙的光線變化,因此畫家們把畫架移至戶外寫生,題材亦幾乎為風景畫. 印象派注重光與色的描繪,不重視外形的描寫,除此之外,畫家們喜歡用很多顏色來呈現意象,所以,調色盤上都是一些明亮的色彩.對印象派而言自我乃是中心,強調自己眼睛所看到的、自己所感覺到的,可謂極端地強 調個性.印象派藝術的大師有馬內,畢沙羅,竇嘉,希斯里,莫內,莫利索和雷諾瓦.

The experience both Peggy and I had while visiting the museum that we noticed that the paintings tell stories better if you look at them with some distance and you shall be able to understand what the artists tried to express literately.


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