Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


Drama And Theatre Lovers!!

The group of drama and theatre education!! Posted by Hello

From this photo, you would see a lot of beauties. They are my classmates and good friends in drama and theatre education. Everyone of them is going to be a drama/theatre teacher in the future. When we all gather together, you would see a group of crazy girls acting silly and talking out loud---but that's us!! I am glad to know them indeed, through the opportunities of taking lectures with them, I made some friends and they did enrich my life here. Drama and theatre reflect the life we had in the past, we are having at present and we are going to lead in the future----all we have to do is enjoy the life.


  • At 9:57 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Tomorrow is always a new fresh day with no mistake.

    With no mistake yet..

    good day ...



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