Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


Hide and Seek

Most of us might have the experience of playing the game "hide and seek" in our life. I somehow believe that is a continuous action that every human kind does often in his/her life. Why you want to hide? Or say escape. Because you want to find/seek something you need/want. Some people hide from love, work, and so forth to look for peace, confidence or something like that. Some people escape from war to seek security and freedom. Put your head under the blanket/pillow and imagine that you may find the way out or something annoying would not bother you any longer. Frankly speaking, you're just preventing yourself from hurt, hate, lose and desperation. I always believe that the spring won't be too far away when winter is already here. Tomorrow is always a new fresh day with no mistake.

I think that appropriate hide/escape would be good for finding yourself back. It should be a good chance to shift the emotions, voices and thinking in order to FACE the reality. I do that sometimes to feel better through reading, listening to the music, chatting with friends or travelling around. Only when you feel all right then you could have the courage and confidence to fight again.

Everyone is looking for different destination, however, before that, everyone is facing various problems and difficulties at the same time. Hide and Seek---wish that everyone of us would always find the way out!!


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