Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


2 cups of tea from Captain.

Maggie and Jennifer with 2 cups of tea at Williamstown. Posted by Hello

Getting a cup of tea is not a hard thing when you live in cities. However, it become a big problem when you don't have a car and you are living in a very country side. That's what happened to Maggie and I that day when we stayed in Williamstown on 3 of January, 2005.

We were a bit freezing in Williamstown because we just came back from the campus. After walking in the rainy evening for up to 15 minutes, both of us felt a bit chilly. There was no any tea/coffee provided in the motel we stayed. Maggie rang the reception to ask were there anywhere we could get some hot tea/coffee. The gentleman told Maggie that we could get some hot tea/coffee from Dunkin Donuts which was 6 miles away. That was impossible for Maggie and I walked (because we did not have a car) 6 miles to just get a cup of tea/coffee. Therefore, that so nice gentleman decided to help us out---so he made us 2 cups of hot tea :) How nice he was. We realised that he was a captain before.

All the people we met during this trip were so nice and unforgettable, I think.


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