Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.



Cute little boy--JiaShu Posted by Hello

I think that I would never keep myself away from children. I just LOVE children too much. Looking at their innocent faces, cute actions and talks... I could not get rid of all those. Some people may think differently from me. To me, children are all angles and they all have their own talents in every aspect. As an educator, I believe that we, adults need to provide more opportunity for children to explore their world. They have their own voices and ways of thinking which could help develop their confidence as well as their creation. In addition, please do not think that the children's talks are nonsense---they are learning to express themselves as well as present their imagination to look at the world around them. In addition, read with you children as often and much as you could.

This cute little boy is JiaShu (家樹), Homeboy's nephew. I think that I love him more than Homeboy now. He is so cute, isn't he?


  • At 5:54 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    It's been four months since I met Jennifer; a wonderful four months. When I visited her blog and saw this photo, I thought, this is so typical of Jennifer, she loves children, she is so kind and thoughtful and generous. It is good that she is a teacher, I think this job suits her best as she always thinks of ways to make learning interesting and fun. Sometime in the future when she decides to have her own, she'll be a super parent, just as she is a super teacher and a super person !


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