Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


What a Night...

Whoever knew me well would know that I value two things very much in my life so far: face and pride. Therefore, I could do everything to save them or to protect them. However, I also hate people to act selfishly. I think that I would never forget last Friday night, I had a big fight with one of my flatmates.

He has been acting quite selfish and bossy for a long while. However, everyone in this flat has been nice to him and tolerate him since then. The key reason made me decide to launch a fight was because a note he wrote. He made a note to inform everyone that he is using the kitchen at 10pm every night and after a tiresome day, all he needs is a quite place to eat and watch TV. Therefore, he doesn't want any noise to disturb him. When I read the note, I was so angry because kitchen means a public area for everyone to use at anytime he/she wants. We paid the same amount of rent, he doesn't have the right to ask us not to go into the kitchen during certain time. Therefore, I decided to make some noise ON PURPOSE at 10 pm on Friday. And I did. I was using my blender to make myself and Rose Anne (my another flatmate) some juice. Just when the blender was running for less than 1 minute, he came to switch off my blender and I thought that was just a joke, so I switched it on again. Then, he threw away my blender as soon as I could react. The juice splashed on the floor. Then he told me that ' I told you do not use it when I am here'. I was quite scared and speechless for 10 seconds. Then I told myself that I need to fight back, I need to let him know that the kitchen is for everyone, not just him. I started to shout at him and expressed to him that everyone has the his/her problems and pressure, not just him. We have the right to come to the kitchen anytime we want. He explained to me that he lost his temper all of the sudden and he apologised to me. However, sorry did not mean anything to me anymore when he did that violent reaction.

Rose Anne was frightened and I did not feel even better after he apologised to me so many times. I was thinking that he would regret it for rest of his life because of that terrible reaction. I am not that generous, therefore, I may not be able to talk to him the way I used to after that accident. There is nothing to do with forgiveness because what I could not really bear/take is his behaviour/manner.

Think deeply before you act it.


  • At 3:45 am , Blogger 胡仨 said...

    我只是想告訴你方法有好幾種 , 我跟你一樣也痛恨自私的傢伙 , 而且正在深受其害中~~~~

    我還是站在你這邊的 , 請別誤解我的好意

  • At 10:36 pm , Blogger Jennifer tae said...

    Dear Poplan,
    I knew what you had tried to point out. What I want to say is that if I could find a better to solve the problem, then I won't choose this way.

    Anyway, thank you for your support.

    Love and good luck.


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