Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


Get A Free Ride from Two Generous And Kind Ladies.

Amherst College Posted by Hello

Amherst College is another top college in America. However, we (Maggie and I) did not have the chance to visit the campus for we were rushing to catch the coach to the next destination--stockbridge.

What happened to our trip from Eric Carle Museum to downtown Amherst was amazing and totally unforgettable. We had been waiting for the bus to come for more than 10 minutes, however, we just did not see any bus moved around. The time of catching our next coach was approaching and we just could not miss that coach--that was the one and only in a day. We were busy in asking people to see whether they could be so nice to give us a free ride to downtown Amherst to catch the coach. The luck was not with us at the beginning because everyone we asked was not going that direction. We kept watching the time and started to think the alternative ways to get to stockbridge. Meanwhile, we heard the sounds of horn behind us, two ladies offered a free ride for us if we needed. Oh...Thank God!! The two ladies talked to us and drove as fest as they could to send us to downtown Amherst in time. We, finally, arrived at bus stop before the coach appeared.

I could not believe that we were so fortunate and of course, I could not believe there are people so nice to give 2 strangers a free ride. Thank you for the 2 kind ladies and wish you all my bests from the bottom of my heart.


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