Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


What Is LOVE?

Many of my female friends suffered the pain in LOVE. There were always someone else ran into the relationship between them and their boyfriends. I somehow just could not understand why and how someone's LOVE toward someone would fade away that soon and easy. It is not easy to love someone and vice versa.

In what reason and what perspective that made someone to cut off their partnerships which might last over years or they might even think about marriage later. You must love someone so much that you would like to live together forever and if so, why you break your promise carelessly. What is LOVE? I somehow just could not find the definition anymore. It is all right to say goodbye to your LOVE,however, what the females care about the most is under what kind of circumstances. There does have expiration date in LOVE and everyone may expect it to come sooner or later when there were some problems/fights in between your partnerships. However, betrayal is something unacceptable and unforgivable. Betrayal is quite different from saying goodbye because of the inappropriateness in your relationship. 3 is never a good/lucky number in LOVE.

When the LOVE is way, just let it would be able to feel all right again soon. Remember the good times you had been with each other and try to forget about the bad times you had. Life is too short to waste time in hating and regretting. Leave this guy, you may find another appropriate ones or at least you could enjoy your single life again. Keep Smiling and you would find that the whole world is smiling at you as well. Never close your heart to accept any possible chances to be in love again even it is really hurt when it ends. No one could deny the happiness when you're in LOVE. And this is life!! We need to try out all the possible flavours of LOVE and LIFE.

Good Luck with your LOVE (or NEXT LOVE).


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