Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


Bike Adventure !!

It is not a easy job for someone who is never good at direction to walk around unfamiliar areas. However, I had my bike adventure this afternoon. Why bike adventure? It was because that I got my bike finally this afternoon. I had been longed for a bike since the first week I was here in Warwick, UK.

It took me half hour to get to the supermarket and my department on foot. I thought that a bike would save me a lot of time and energy. But, there is no any bike shops around the campus and I could not get a second bike from anyone I knew neither. One day, Yoshi, my Japanese flatmate,told me that he got his bike at Coventry(the nearest town around the school) with quite reasonable price. Since then, I had been thinking of getting my bike at Coventry, however, I could not make it real till this afternoon. YES!!I GOT MY BIKE!!

I got my bike for 80 pounds(included the locker)with 6 speeds to make my climbing/cycling easier. I rode my bike all the way back to the campus from Coventry. The journey is about 2 miles. I had no idea about the directions and I even have no map. Therefore, I tried to get to the train station first (which could be done simply follow the "rail station" sign). Then, I found that I could just follow the #12 bus (which I took to the Coventry) to go back to school. Anyway,then, I noticed the sign "University of Warwick" on the way so I thought that I could simply follow the sign. AND, YES, I DID!! I was overwhelmly excited when I saw the sign of "Science Park" (where is quite close to the campus and I knew how to get back to my accommodation exactly).

I thought that I am a bit smart after this bike adventure!! From now on, I could ride my bike for lectures, food shopping and exercise!! Happy seems not enough to express my feeling now. Everyone! Get a BIKE!!


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