Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


Cafes in Paris 巴黎的咖啡館

Cafe de Flore... Posted by Picasa

Other than food, France is also quite famous for coffee. Having coffee at French Cafe was our favourite thing to do in France for coffee-holics like me and Peggy. We did go to some cafes in Paris, however, did not enjoy them all very much though. Why?? I will explain them one by one then.

According to the guidebook we had, we tried to go to those quite famous cafes on the list. We thought the cafes would be alike to Starbucks or COSTA around the world but with lots of typical French style cafe tables outside. Unfortunately, we were completely wrong. Those quite famous and popular cafes are not just cafes nowadays anymore; they become kind of the combination with restaurant, bars and cafes. Well…that is still quite fine with us, what we could not accept was the price for a cup of coffee—it normally takes us around 5-7 euros. (Well…for a cup of coffee, it is a bit too much:(
我們照著旅遊書的介紹去了幾家咖啡館,我們以為法國的咖啡館大概就像全世界的Starbucks 或COSTA一樣吧!只是多了幾分戶外法式咖啡座的特色吧!很不幸的…我們錯得離譜!!這些非常有名的咖啡館早就不是單純的咖啡館了,它們全都變成餐廳,酒吧和咖啡館的綜合體了.其實,對我們而言,這也還好啦!我們比較不能接受的是一杯咖啡的價位大概要5到7歐元(200-300台幣).一小杯咖啡要這麼貴喔!!

La Closerie des Lilas
—it is famous because of the American writer--Ernest Hemingway. Mr. Hemingway completed his work; the sun also rises, in about 6 weeks at this cafe. There is a "Chair of Hemingway" in the corner of cafe and Peggy and I were thinking of sitting on that chair for just 1 second which may help us a lot in writing our dissertation. However, we did not think we could afford the lunch or coffee there so we left without even taking a photo of the cafe. Maybe next time then. There is a saying about Paris by Hemingway that "If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast."

Le Cafe de la Paix—it is quite close to National Opera de Paris. We were planning to have our lunch there at first, however, again, we changed our mind when we checked the price on the menu. This cafe is famous for writers and politicians; in addition, it is a good place to look at people walking around or to be looked at by people passed by. I hope that I will have the chance to do so then.

La Palette—finally we had a chance to sit down at a cafe for an hour to enjoy the sunshine and coffee. La Palette locates at the left bank of La Seine. We had our late breakfast and iced coffee there. (Iced coffee is very rare to be served in Paris.) The whole cafe is decorated with lots of paintings and a bit darker lights. It should be good for sitting down and getting the brains to work slowly. We felt that everything was great at that cafe but the service. The waiters were not too friendly. Anyway…we were there for their coffee and the atmosphere of arts.

Cafe de Flore—the reason for making this cafe so famous was because of the artist—Picasso. Picasso visited this cafe and it became a must-visit cafe from that on. And I think that I am not the exception. I spent a few hours there to enjoy my time in writing postcards and my notes for the trip. I observed people there and noticed that most of them were tourists. I enjoyed the spare afternoon I had to do something local Parisians would do such as reading at the cafe.

There are plenty cafes in Paris with unique characters. We do not have to go for those famous cafes all the time. I shall try some cafes that less famous but special next time.


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