Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


Norman Rockwell Museum

Norman Rockwell Museum at Stockbridge. Posted by Hello

Norman Rockwell is the artist Americans know best. Millions of people saw each of his cover illustrations fro the Saturday Evening Post. Perhaps the most obvious reason for the popularity of Rockwell's work is its subject matter--he painted America and Americans. His themes are rooted in American values and our pride in those values. The American family was at the core of Norman Rockwell's work.

I knew about Norman Rockwell from a friend and I had a chance to see his painting in New York in 2002. Since then, I just could not help loving his paintings. His each painting tell you a story in detail. I remembered that I even did some lesson plans in Art after enjoyed his paintings so much. I think that everyone even young children could tell stories from his paintings. Using imagination to put yourself in Norman Rockwell's art works and you will find out more and more details that he tried to express to audience. One of my favourite paintings of his work is "A Day in the Life of a Girl" which has 25 small clips described how the little girl spent her day in a vivid and amazing way.

I learned more about Norman Rockwell and the stories behind some of the paintings by visiting his museum this time. I am sure that I will always go back to see his work when there is a chance. If you are interested in his work, please check this website
If you would like to pay a visit to there, do not forget to count how many different signature he sign on his work. 6? 7? Or even more???


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