Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


Snowy Days...

Lakeside in white Posted by Hello

I have been dreaming of snowy days since last November. We did get a bit snow in the middle of November, however, it only lasted for a few hours. Then I was hoping so eager to get some snow when I was in New York last December to this January. Unfortunately, both God and Santa did not hear my voices and prayers----we did not get a white Christmas as well as not much snowy days in New York. I came back to England with the heart-broken. The weather was not too cold since I came back to England and I was telling myself that I probably wouldn't have another chance to see snow this winter.

However, I believe that God is still with me that we got very cold weather since last week and we got SNOW finally since this Monday. I could not express my feeling 100% right about seeing and touching the snow. It is so great to see everything covered in white, to me, everything becomes so beautiful and peaceful. I abandoned riding my bike anymore because of the snowy days. I just enjoyed so much in walking in the snow. I am so satisfied with seeing and touching the snow even we did not get enough snow to make snowmen.



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