Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


Beatles' Liverpool

King Dock, Liverpool,UK. Posted by Hello

What is the first thing come to your mind when you heard about Liverpool? I would immediately think of Beatles, the most famous British band in the whole world. They had many great songs known worldwide, for example, Yesterday, Yellow submarine, Hey Jude, Let it be and so on and so forth. Bealtes was made by Paul, John, George and Ringo.

I have been to Liverpool once in summer of 2002 and all places I visited were relevant to Beatles. Through last trip, I knew more about Beatles and where they grew up and developed their career. I am a big fan of Beatles and I have been applying their music in my teaching. My kindergarteners love their songs very much as well. They love yellow submarine and yesterday the most. To me, compare with the pop music nowadays, Beatles' music is more meaningful and more enjoyable. Listening to their music just like listen to a story with all kinds of emotions. In addition, some of their songs carry deep meaning and messages with LOVE and HOPE which is very important to the world.

Liverpool is a quite big hardbour city and you can reach the sea very easily. I always dream of living somewhere close to beach or sea where could move my worries and unhappiness away by looking at the deep blue sea or sitting by the seashore. I love the touching of wind breezing at the beach/sea and it feels that you are not alone and find out the comfort.

I also love the music created by John after he left Beatles, especially the song--Imagine. Imagine is a song composed to anti-war and yes, it sends out the message of a world where people live peacefully and hand in hand with each other. I think that John is not the only one dreamer and a lot of people were touched by his music and would join him. Unfortunately, John left the world too soon and too sudden before everyone could imagine, however, he should not regret since he left so much nice and meaningful music to the generations. We will always remember him and his brilliant work.


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