Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


Finding Neverland...

Finding Neverland, the title of a great movie I just saw last week. I was touched by its plots and the emotions and interaction moved among those characters. A playwriter met with 4 boys and their widow mother accidentically. From that on, they became good friends and the playwriter had some inspiring ideas in his plays through the communication and interaction with them. He created the famous play--Peter Pan.

In the movie, Peter was a very sensitive child and he behaved very differently after the death of his daddy. He started to close his mind and not tell the others what he was really thinking of that easily. He was told that his daddy was going to fishing for a few weeks, however, his dear daddy died right the next day. I could imagine how huge shock that was to a little boy--his simple world was destroyed by a lie. Would that be better if he was told the truth? least he could tell his daddy that he loved him or something in his mind.

The playwriter fell in love with children's mother even she was terribly ill. However, she did not have too many days left. The playwriter invited all the actors to perform "Peter Pan" just for the families. In that play, there was a place called Neverland, where lived many fairies, animals and nice/happy people. The mother loved it very much because it brought her peace and happiness.

Unfortunately, she died not too long afterwards. Peter was so upset and somehow not being able to take it. He questioned the playwriter why his mother had to die. What a question !! No one would be able to answer that question and so did the playwriter. He responded that he did not know. He explained to Peter that his mother was in Neverland, where she stayed with fairies and looked after them by spirit. Mother left a diary to Peter, therefore, the playwriter told Peter that his mother would be in every page. You would see your mother if you believe so. Seeing is believing...

It is so hard to talk about death to young children, however, I believe that adults need to let children understand what it is and how to deal with their emotions somehow. The purpose of telling children about the dark sides of life is not going to frighten them but help them get to understand as well as feeling all right again.


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