Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


G3 Meeting...

G3 members: RoseAnne, Sophie and Jennifer
G3 headquarter: Kitchen at flat 37
G3 meeting time: anytime is available for them

What is G3 meeting? G3 meeting means the meeting we three get together anytime we have something to share/talk with. It normally takes place at late night for smoothie/juice/meal. What we do are chatting with each other, gossiping about someone else, talking about our ideas in certain problems/issues.

Sophie is a very very attractive girl, who both RoseAnne and I suggested her to publish a book entitled of How to Win Men's Hearts. We have been listening to her many many stories of her admirers and a lot of her brilliant and romantic sentences fit so much perfectly into movies.

RoseAnne could make very precise judgements and she is a very thoughtful girl. We have been talking about my project since last year and she knew my ideas very well. Therefore, I shared all my ideas about carrying on my project with her. She has been very supportive to both me and my ideas.

Laughter is the only sound you could hear during the G3 meetings. We often share smoothie/juice together since strawberries are getting cheaper nowadays in UK. I enjoyed so much spending with RoseAnne and Sophie. I almost forget all the pressure, tense, worries and pain when I am with them. Here...I want to say, THANK YOU to them. Being the member of G3 colour my life in UK. It is so wonderful to find out kindred spirit friends and I promise I will cherish the friendship among G3 forever.


  • At 8:35 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Dear Jennifer and Rose Anne I love our G3 meetings with you. They make me forget all the horrible, sad and cruel things in the world. Check this blog and I'm sure you will enjoy it KNOW what I mean ;) well we need another G3 to discuss that !

  • At 7:58 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Dear Jennifer and Sophie,

    I share the sentiments of you both ! Life would be so dull without G3 and laughter and gossip. The friendships we have created through G3 will be forever etched into my memory - well at least we can have stories to tell when we meet at each other's weddings. (LOL)

    Here's to a long lasting friendship, bridging, time, space and life choices. May we continue to correspond long, long, long, after we part in September.

    Jennifer, one day you will achieve the world's greatest teacher award, and Leehon's biggest fan member .

    Sophie...I'll see you in the UN !

  • At 11:41 am , Blogger Jennifer tae said...

    Dear RoseAnne,

    Thank you for your warmest and touching comment. I totally agree with you. Without G3, my life would be boring and just black and white colours. I would never forget those great times we have been together and sure, I will tell our stories to the world even when I will be very old.

    If this blog will be able to last forever, you could always come here and read my nonsense, boring pieces.

    Hahahaha....dear RoseAnne, what I want is not a teacher award(but that's good too)---I wish to have my own kindergarten. As to Leehom...sorry...I am too greedy--------not just fan member....I want a deeper relationship which...could be just a dream.

    As to Sophie, of course, we will see her on TV quite often afterwards. She may be the president of UN or her country.

    It is just wonderful to have you here with me. Thank you for your friendship.


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