Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


Home Education and Childhood Education

I had chances to see 2 great dramas lately. They were entilted of "Pillowman" and "The Story of An Action Man". I enjoyed both dramas so much and had some strong reflection after watching them.

The "Pillowman" was a drama with many spoky stories which I was quite scared of. However, I realised how important the home education/childhood education are. The attitude toward life, people and so forth that parents/teachers model for children would reframe by children to their own life. There are too many things to be learnt before going to school as a child, however, what kind of home education would he/she gain at home? The answer is varied. The world of a child is just like a white paper, you would never know which colour he/she would paint on it. Therefore, we, as adults, future parents, we need to model young children to show them what is appropriate to do and build them a environment with LOVE and CARING. Children from a miserable childhood would show his/her negative attitude toward people and life, even worse, he/she may hurt himself/herself or someone else. The roles of parents and teachers are really important.

"The Story of An Action Man" was a drama played by British Sign Language. I did not know that the actors and actress are handicapped or deaf while I was watching it. After the drama, we had a chance to communicate with the director, who is deaf but tried to create and direct dramas for the minority groups. I really enjoyed watching the drama and learning the sign language throuhg it. In the story, the issue of a broken family was addressed. There is always a sound in minds that shall we tell children the dark side of reality. I think we should, it only depends on which perspective and in what way we are telling children the reality. Children could imagine the situation even they may not relate to some of the plots, however, they would be able to understand that there is not just sunny/happy side in life. Telling children the reality is not frigtening them but helping them deal with their emopitions as well as understand the situation. However, it is far more important then just showing them the reality but bringing LOVE and HOPE to them. Happy ending is still very important to children--that's because we want children to look at the bright side and think positively.

I remembered myself learnt sign language for a few months before. I would like to learn it again after watching this drama. The other reason I liked this drama so much is that through the sign language, deaf people would be able to understand it and enjoy it. Other than us, both deaf and blind people were enjoying the drama with us that day. It felt just great not to be left out. I wish that I could learn some sign langauge and be able to communicate with deaf people.

Life will still be so bright and beautiful even there may be lots of rainy, windy and snowy days.


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