Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


A Lovely Couple :)

Titan and Claire. Posted by Hello

As you could see from the picture, the actor and actress are Lovely Titan and Claire. I have been knowing Claire since I was at senior high school. The greatest thing is that time and distance did not change our friendship a bit and we are still sharing everything with each other. I think that's what we called kindred spirit friends.

Titan had his new role in Claire's life as her husband since last November. They came to England to complete their second part of honeymoon in April and we had a chance to gather again. Through this chance, I think that I got to know more about Titan and in a way, I realised why Claire decided to give away her freedom and walked into a complete different family of Titan's.

It takes a lot of time to adjust to another person, family and everything, moreover, it is also very important to be considerating and make some compromise among relationships. I know it won't be too easy to reach the goal, of perfect harmony in relationships, however, I believe that everyone in that relationship must try harder, especially us, as younger generation.

I remembered that Claire mentioned Titan was hard to fall asleep before they arrived in UK, however, it wasn't the case during his stay in UK. We figured out the truth that he could fall asleep in 1 second whenever and wherever. He explained that's because he bonded with UK so much. His favourite food in UK is Lovely Jacket Potatos. be honest, I have been to UKfor so long but I just could not be able to love its food except fish and chips which I could only take it sometime in a while. I think that Titan is quite suitable to live in UK :P

I missed both Claire's engagement and wedding last year, however, I would like to say that my sincerely wishes won't change a bit. My friendship hands would always there whenever she needs. I am so glad to know that Titan and Claire are leading a Lovely relationship and I could feel the strong PASSION and LOVE in their Lovely eyes and body languages--I hope that they would never forget the initial thought why they bonded with each other and the reason they made up their minds to tie their lives together---always remember that.

Love and Laughter would change everything...

p.s: The reason why there are so many lovely in this piece was because LOVELY was the frequent word spoke out from Titan while he was in UK :D


  • At 9:45 pm , Blogger Jennifer tae said...

    HA...I just say whatever I wanted...
    Thank you for the comments which encouraged me to keep writing :)


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