Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.



Cheltenham. Posted by Hello

Cheltenham is a town of garden. You could see many green fields and gardens in Cheltenham. In addition, Cheltenham is also called Cheltenham Spa. Cheltenham Spa, as you could tell from the words, means it was a regency spa town which is similar to Leamington Spa and Bath Spa. Cheltenham is the centre for Cotswolds. Cotswolds is an area located in middle England and it is well known because of its stone cattages and of course, its beautiful scenery of countryside. However, Cheltenham is renowned for its stylish shopping, colourful parks and other special events nowadays.

We planned to visit both Cheltenham and Gloucester, these two towns of Cotswolds at the beginning of that day. We changed our minds after arriving at Cheltenham because we thought that we might need more time to walk around the town. Therefore, we had a quite "luxury" day as tourists. What do I mean luxury here? I meant that we took time enjoy as much of the town and the environment as possible (like locals somehow). We walked around the town, went to parks, did some shopping, enjoyed the coffee at Starbucks, had some nice talks and of course, got lost sometimes. It is good to spend a day at just a town or city even you may not do all you had planned to do there. At least, you enjoy the time of being there. It is great to slow down a bit of your pace and walking (working) with senses of beauty= enjoy the life.

We did not have time to visit all the towns around Cotswolds area this time, however, I wish that I could spend some time in Cotswolds later. Cotswolds is an area covered by River Avon, therefore, Stratford-upon-Avon, Bath Spa could be included.
I wish to see the stone cattage next time :D


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