Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


Exeter Conference...

I remembered that I did not know anything about attending workshops or conferences when I went to States end of year 2000. There was a TESOL conference in NYC in late winter of 2001 and most of students of NYU were asked to attend it. So I went as well---but to be honest, I had no clue at all excpet knowing that there would be some free lunch, light refreshment and coffee.

However, I really like to attend conferences even sometimes they could be quite boring if the presenters just read through their papers without adding any jokes or practical work. also depends on the purpose of the conference though. To me, as a teacher, I would say I would like to learn both theorical and practical knowledge from the conference. There is another part of the conference I love the most---the book fair. I like shopping for books, espeically children's picture books :D I would spend a lot of money on them as long as I find interesting topics or unusual issues such as Holocaust, Hiroshima Atomic Bomb and so forth.

The conference held at Exeter was my first conference in UK and it was my first time went to Exeter. I must say that I had a great time this 5 days for being around with my wonderful classmates from Drama and Theatre Education at Warwick. It was just a great fun to be with all of lovely and crazy drama girls.

Furthermore, I did learn a lot from the conference even I expect it to be represented in a more dramatic way. Anyway...the most impressive thing to me was more and more people concern about the drama therapy. Throuhg drama to get to understand the person himself/herself. There were a lot of issues relevant to war and natural disaster this time as well, coincidently, that is quite matched with what I am working on. I am really happy for that and I think that only people start to keep their eyes on those issues; the whole world will be filled with more LOVE and HOPE graduately.

That's the little reflection of attending the conference at Exeter this April.


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