Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


Lavish Trip in London...

Landmark of London--Big Ben. Posted by Hello

Finally, I had the chance to visit London after coming back to UK since last September. Even I have been to UK for a while, I did not really have a chance to "SEE" London. I remembered that I used to go to London just for musicals, Chinese food or just applying for visas; never really had a chance to walk around London, this well-known capital of Britain. However, I would never miss its landmark--BIG BEN.

Why I like the big ben? No reason. Just because it represents Great Britain. I did not like United States at all before I went there in end of 2000. I love British English better than American English even I learnt it that way myself. There are a lot of beautiful cities and towns in Britain that I have been dreamed of visiting since long ago and that's why I chose to study in UK.

Our trip to London started from shopping on 9th of April. We did not really look for anything or any shops particularly. However, we were walking along the New Bond Street where a lot of shops with famous brand names are located, such as LV, Burberry, Tiffany and all other big names you could think of. I have never walk into those stores before but it was not too bad to try it. Titan had the mission to buy the handbags from LV for his colleages if the price in UK is cheaper than Taiwan. Therefore, we walked into the LV shop and asked the staffs to show us some of the bags. My mum has been longing for a elegant handbag for a while and therefore, I was thinking of getting her one if I would see anything good. The result was that we bought 3 handbags and 1 wallet from LV that day. Unbelievable!! But it is cheaper than get it in Taiwan.

However, holding 2 big bags from LV did not mean that you would be treated better in the other big shops with your jeans and sneakers (plimsoll). I have been looking for a ring for a while and therefore, I would like to take a look at the Tiffany shop that day. I did see something I would like to know more detail or even try it on my figure. However, I waited and waited but there was no one came approaching to me and served me. Oh...Well...then I decided that I was not going to spend my money at that shop. All I would like to say is NEVER JUDGE A BOOK JUST BY ITS COVER.

Our afternoon was gone through our window shopping but we did have the chance to see the streets in London.


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