Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


Happy Birthday to Homeboy...

Birthday card with tulip. Posted by Hello

17th of May, the birthday of my super super prince charming, Homeboy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! I knew that he is rushing back to Taiwan from wherever he is now for celebrating his 29th birthday with his greatest fans in Taiwan. He is such a nice guy, isn't he?

As usual, I will be absent from his birthday, however, I do pass my wishes and greetings to him in the way I used to. It is not easy to be an artist, I believe. All I hope is that Homeboy is happy with whatever he is doing. Just be himself and enjoy his life.

Dear Homeboy, Happy Birthday and please take great care of yourself. Here is the card I made for you and my favourite white tulips. Wish you a wonderful birthday with lots of love and music notes.


  • At 3:07 am , Blogger Jennifer tae said...

    Dear Wawa,

    說妳懂或不懂我呢?我真的說不上來.我並沒有把感情鎖在自己的世界?,或許對這個遙不可及的人所做的一切在妳們眼?是瘋狂的,是不理智的.但,相信我,如果可以,我會選擇不要.只是,我真的做不到.是一種迷戀嗎? 我也不知道.我在等什麼?等他結婚吧!或許,這樣我才會真的死心...也或許永遠不會...誰知道?


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