Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


Exchange Languages...

Exchange languages....
Languages exchanged---Chinese and Cantonese.
Language exchangers: Kitty and Jennifer.

Kitty, from Hong Kong, learnt Chinese as a subject when she was a high school student in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, people speak Cantonese, however, they read and write in Chinese characters. Therefore, it is not a problem for Kitty to understand written texts. She could also sound out many Chinese characters in Chinese. All she needs is just some pronunciation support.

I, from Taiwan, learnt a tiny bit Cantonese from Cantonese dramas and TV programmes. I love to learn different kind of languages. Cantonese is not an easy one--which is more difficult than I expected. In a way, Cantonese is similar to Taiwanese and Chinese. However, it is too hard to catch the tones--there are 9 tones in Cantonese, even more than Chinese. In addition, there are both formal and informal ways of speaking in Cantonese. Formal way means that you speak exactly as you read through the Chinese characters, however, the informal way is closer to people's daily life. Therefore, I need to learn Cantonese in both ways.

Kitty and I decided to meet once in a week for 2 hours and we would speak both Chinese and Cantonese most of the period. I hope that I could speak Cantonese better soon. I will work harder :P


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