Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


Learning French...Salut...


Hahaha....that's my limited French before today. How much I want to learn French? I do not know. I remembered that I started to love French when I was high school student. I heard this beautiful language spoke from one actor and I could not help in loving it afterwards. However, I did not have any chance to learn it till my senior year at college. I went to attend a 10 days intensive French programme in Taipei. The teacher only spoke to us in French even we were barely beginners. I could speak quite all right during that 10 days, hence, I returned everything to the teacher after that. Even so, I always want to learn French till now. comes a chance!! There is a new French programme in language centre of Warwick University from this term. I registered and started my first class today. The teacher is nice even she spoke French to us in most of the time. She taught us the alphabet in French and also its pronunciation---which is very important to foreign language learners. I enjoyed her class very much even I got lost very easily.

I determine to learn French this time and I promise that I will work even harder to make it. I may not be able to speak it very beautifully, however, I wish that I could communicate in French some day.
Good Luck with me!!


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