Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


Dinner Party at Hsin-Chin's New Flat

Party at Shin-Chin's new flat. Posted by Hello

Shin-Chin was the first friend I knew from Warwick even she is a student of Imperial College in London. Her husband, Chian-An is a PhD student of Warwick, therefore, they live in Coventry. We talked over the phone and I liked her as a very kind friend since that first talk. She and Chian-An have been very nice to me since then.

Chian-An and Shin-Chin moved to a new apartment in the middle of April and we went to have a small party at her new place tonight. We had a lot of great food and enjoyed Chian-An's professional photgraphs. I love photographing as well, however, I could not take those photos like Chian-An did. Through his lans to see the world, it seemed to me that everything becomes much prettier.

As usual, we were gossiping around. Ericson, the little boy was busy in learning how to take photos as well. I like Ericson very much. I still remembered our first met. That was the welcome party organised by Taiwanese student society at Warwick last October. Ericson is Eric's little boy. He is so cute and as you may know that I would never be able to say NO to children. So, we were running around and talking out loud there. He was quite shy that day.(which turned out to be just that day ONLY :P) He would not talk to anyone else there except me and his father. That is why we become good friends now, I think.

It is so good to have a good time with friends sometimes. A time to forget assignments, readings and other annoying things but just having fun.


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