Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


Tomorrow is better/brighter than today!!!

Tomorrow is a bright day again. Posted by Hello

Someone ever asked me, "It seems that you never had any worries or troubles that bother you." Of course not. I do have my problems, worries and troubles, however, I just try to hide it well enough not to be noticed by others. I also try to leave them behind or just ignore them when I could not find a way out. I hate to stuck in problems and worries for too long which make me sick.

I always encourage myself that tomorrow is always a better day with no mistakes. Spring won't be too far away when winter is here. When some bad or sad things happen, I am sure that everyone will get upset, angry or even could not take them under certain circumstance. However, being so passive could not make things better. Why not stop thinking negatively but try to work things out.

When you are sad, feeling no good, lonely, why not do something you like, something would cheer you up, something would make you happy. That's how I get through the hard times. We should try our best to work things out before we give up completely.

Remember: Being yourself and have fun...
Tomorrow is brighter than today...


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