Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


Film: The Phantom of the Opera

Have you seen the musical of The Phantom of the Opera? If not, you may want to see the movie version first. I went to see the movie tonight and I enjoyed it so much even it was different from the musical version.

The story of Phantom of the Opera is quite touching and it also has some very funny plots. However, I love its sad parts the most. When Phantom was looking at Christine with his shinging eyes, I could feel the love in his heart. Maybe...this is life, the one you like, he/she may not love you in return. However, the one you don't or cannot like, he/she loves you to so much. Unforunately, love is not something you could judge with money or fame. Therefore, normally, it represents the true feeling to someone or something and it is something no one could be able to choose or decide for you. You are the master in LOVE. I think that Christine made her choice and phantom could only accept it at the end. Poor Phantom...but it is alreayd worthwhile if you had loved at least once in your life...I think...

Your spirit and your voice, in one combined:the Phantom of the Opera is there -inside your mind ...


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