Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


TERM 3...

After 5 weeks break, term 3 just started yesterday and I ...need to work harder on my studies from now on. Many friends are working on their assignments and dissertation from this term as well. Term 3, means that everyone must focus on his/her job really hard. No more easy life anymore :(

Term 3= summer term, and normally the weather in England started to turn warm and sunny, however, students are not allowed to enjoy the nice weather for they must study hard for the examinations, assignments and dissertation. Poor students...

I had almost set up my research--children's voices to difficult issues in Children's Literature--I would discuss about death, war and natural disaster with children through selected picture books. However, talking about these difficult issues isn't going to frighten children, but help them to deal with their own emotions in a secure environment as well as bring them love and hope to the world. In addition, it may be possible if they would open up and show their Love and Hope to those who needed.

That is just a idea, however, I am starting very hard to work it on since last year and hopefully, I will be able to carry it out as my dissertation as well as my little contribution to the field I love.
Good Luck to me!! Please feel free to leave your comments or suggestions to me on this project :)


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