Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.



We are making Kimchi... Posted by Hello

Yes, as you could see from the picture, we were making Kimchi, a typical Korean dish. I could not remember when did I start to love Kimchi so much, maybe sometime when I was in the States. I used to buy Kimchi at the supermarket and made myself the Kimchi noodles or Kimchi Tofu soup. I enjoyed so much Korean food at Korean restaurant in the States. Oh....I miss New York so much now.

Gale, a very sweet Korean friend, who taught us (Peggy, Whitney, Isabel and I) how to make Kimchi last night. We tried to make three different kinds of Kimchi: Chinese leaf, radish and cucumber. I like cucumber Kimchi the most because it tastes sweet and sour. It took a very long time to make Kimchi. However, we were chatting, listening to music, having something to eat while we were waiting for those vegeables to be ready for seasoning with chilly sauce.

You won't be able to taste Kimchi after 4 or 5 days fermentation. Kimchi tastes much better after that.

Do you like Kimchi? Try and make your own then...


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