Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


The power of Music and LOVE...

I went to see a children's play today and I am glad that I was there. That is a play with live music, live theatre and audience interaction and it was specically created for young children with a range of learning disabilities.

Before the play started, I saw some children with wheel chairs while I was waiting. I was touched and the eyes were tearful by looking at them. I did not know what kind of learning disabilities they have, however, to me they are just normal children. Even they do not look like the normal healthy children. I worship their courage of keeping leading their lives and fighting with their fate. I do not know how would they deal with the odd insights from outsiders and how much attention and efforts parents need to put on them. It is not easy to raise a child like that but i am just happy that the parents and themselves did not give their lives up.

The play was inspired by Greek myth, a new production of Alcyone, the daughter of the god of the wind. She bids farewell to her husband as he makes a dangerous journey across the sea. He is lost in a storm but Alcyone does not know and prays to Juno, goddess of the sky, for his safe return. The goddess takes pity on them into birds to live together for life.

During the play, there are a lot of intimate moments and interaction among the players and audience. I could tell those children like the play very much through their natural reaction of sounds, music and touching. Other than that, I think there is another huge power of LOVE behind it--the parents or teachers keep touching those children and showing them their care and love to them. Even the players, they were showing their care, patience and love to those children--that's something touched me the most.

This world needs everyone to show their love more, especially the younger generation. We should more attention and care on the minority to make the world with love and hope. Let's work it out together!!


  • At 4:53 pm , Blogger Unknown said...

    I was glad that I was there with Homeboy celebrating his birthday! What an unforgettable night!! Wish you were here with us! Come back soon~~~ *hugs*


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