Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


School Visiting...

I went to a primary school yesterday. The purpose for me to visit that school was to take a look that school and see whether that will be possible for me to carry out my field work there in the coming October.

I had many experience in observing elementary (primary) and secondary schools in the States, however, this was my first time to pay a visit in the UK. I was quite like that school even I was a bit shocked to know there were around 40 students in Nursery with 1 teacher but also another 4 teacher-aids. That was very different from my experience in the States. However, the school is divided into many section: Nursery, Reception, year 1 and 2, year 3 and 4 and year 5 and 6. There are 4 classes in each section and they are sharing the learning space together. They also have their own classroom, however, you could run from one classroom to another one very easily since it is just next door. You could be able to hear any sound from the other class. They share the common space for art, computer and so forth. I think that is very different experience.

I had a chance to talk with both headteacher and classroom teacher about my field work afterwards and they kind of liked my ideas and promised me to carry my field work there in October. That is really a great news to me and I will pay some more visits there later on.

Moreover, the students of year 3 and 4 are learning French now, however, they would like to find someone who could speak Chinese in order to give students chance to learn Chinese--since it will be the biggest language in the future. Therefore, the headteacher was so pleased to know that I could speak Chinese and he simply asked me to offer Chinese classes this September.

Ha...I think that's a brilliant idea to teach Chinese at a British primary school, right?


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