Love, Music and Peace

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Robin Hood and Nottingham

Robin Hood in Nottingham Posted by Hello

I know about how beautiful Nottingham is and I have been thinking of visiting there for a very long time. Apart from the landscape, Nottingham is also famous of where Robin Hood was from. Robin Hood seems to be the super idol of most boys, however, I was not his big fan but had the chances to read some of his stories. But Robin Hood is the idol of Ericson and Homeboy (when he was little). Therefore, it became the must see place in Nottingham.

I enjoyed the trip to Nottingham with the Eric family(Eric, Peggy and Ericson). It was fun to go out with a kid even he/she may make you tired for running around everywhere. The first thing we did while we arrived was finding out the most famous restaurant---Ye olde Trip to Jerusalem. It was a trip (rest stop in old English) for people who were going to protect Jerusalem in 1189 AD (Crusade十字軍東征). Therefore, you could tell how old this restaurant is and we were having lunch there. Entering the restaurant just like entering a cave that you could imagine that you are one of the people in the old times.

We went to Nottingham castle after the lunch. Nottingham castle did not look like a castle but more like a small museum to me after I walked around it. There are some exhibitions about war and lace. By the way, Nottingham is also famous by its lace. The most interesting place in the castle is a Enchanted Forest for children. There, you could see the setting was arranged as a forest for engaging children's attention in imagination and literacy. Some story books, some soft toys and some customs for role playing. Of course, both Ericson and I enjoyed so much in that Enchanted Forest and we dressed like The Little Red Riding Hood, Robin Hood, the Frog Prince and so on. This is so fun for children, I believe, and for me!!

Then....yes, we went to 'The Tales of Robin Hood' finally. We did not get into the museum for the quite expensive admission, however, we went straight to the museum shop. I got one Robin Hood Teddy and Ericson got a jumper of Robin Hood as well (As you could see in the picture). After the museum of Robin Hood, we would like to take a look at University of Nottingham which I heard about its great scenery long ago. That is a huge school, I must say that. It could be 10 times bigger than University of Warwick. We were just looking around the campus because Ericson was already fell asleep. But you could tell it would be good studying there for its natural environment.

What a nice day to visit Nottingham and get your mind refresh!! Thank you for the trip, Eric, Peggy and Ericson!!!


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