Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


Forever's Audrey Hepburn ...

Audrey Hepburn. Posted by Hello

Audrey Hepburn, my favourite actress forever. Neverless to mention her beauty, however, her elegance, kindness and the sweetest smile are the key attraction to me. You could find her performance on movies of "Roman Holiday", " Love in the Afternoon", "War and Peace","Breakfast at Tiffany's", " My Fair Lady" and others.

She is the beauty who is beautiflly in appearance and inner heart. I loved her performance in movies first then I got to know her a bit more through reading her biographies. She is the only actress one that I would like to collect her works, photos, posters and biographies. I even went to her buried place and where she spent her last years in Switzerland in summer of 2001. I had a chance to see where she used to live. But, unfortunately, her children sold her house right before the time I visited, therefore, I could just take a outer look of her house.

In 1988, Audrey embarked on her second career as UNICEF's international Goodwill Ambassador. For five years, until her death in 1993, Audrey devoted all her energy to working with UNICEF. Her field missions were often physically and emotionally demanding and sometimes undertaken at great personal risk. Audrey learned first hand about the plight of poor and displaced children in countries all over the world.

Walked out of spotlight, Audrey was just a normal female, however, she applied her fame and power to do something more meaningful to children and the world--I think this what we should do for our next generation as well. And this is the main reason I love her so much because she had the most generous and beautiful heart.


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