Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


The keys to the house 敲開我心門

The Keys to the house Posted by Hello

I went to see a very touching movie last night. It was an Italian art movie. I like seeing movies, especially art movies. I had some opportunities to see some art movies while I was in Taipei, however, I had more chances now here in the UK.

This movie was telling a story about the relationship between one father and one child. "The Keys to the House" is about the stress of raising a developmentally disabled child. Gianni, an Italian businessman in his early 30s. Years ago, his girlfriend died while she was giving birth to Gianni's son, who was born physically and psychologically impaired. Too immature and irresponsible for fatherhood at the time, Gianni had abandoned his newborn son. Now married and the father of a healthy toddler, Gianni wants to reconnect with the boy, Paolo who has been raised by his girlfriend's family. With tremendous misgivings, they entrust Paolo to Gianni, who takes him by train to Berlin for medical treatment. Although Paolo has some rudimentary skills and can get around fairly well, he still needs constant care. Initially ashamed—he lies when another patient's mother asks if he is Paolo's father—Gianni slowly begins to form a bond with his teenaged son. Yet with love comes great pain and sacrifice.
"Prepare yourself for suffering." was the mother told Gianni, because the pain and struggle will last forever.

I remembered that when the mother told Gianni that she ever thought why not just let her daughter die and stop this pain and suffer for her and her family. I was crashed because you must be in the desperat while you said that. It is never be easy to take care of a normal healthy child and it is much harder to look after a disabled child. I cried because of I could see how hard Gianni tried to win his son's heart and to make it up for whatever he had lost, however, Paolo, is not a normal child, he needed more than just love and attention. Moreover, he is a teenager and he has his own pride which made him not easy to open his mind even to his beloved father.

I enjoyed so much in this movie and I know there are a lot of disabled children in this world. We should look them like normal people but with a bit more care and love. It is so good to be healthy ---therefore, we need to show our care to this world, to those people who in need as much as we could.


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