Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


Friends...brought me back to NYC...

Friends... Posted by Hello

10 years, how long is 10 years? How have you been changed in 10 years? "Friends" had companied me and many other fans around the world for 10 years. It is sad to say goodbye, however, it is another move on for everyone.

Watching the episodes of Friends brought me back to New York City. It reminded me all the good times and hard times in New York City with friends, students and many other memories. Along with the plot, I could be able to walk back to Central park, Washington Square Arch, 5th Avenue and so on and so forth. Every place has its own history and my memories which made me think of NYC more.

I would not choose to live in NYC if I could, however, it is a very convenient place to travel with. The key reason for not being able to forget NYC is the stories behind each placement, every footprint I had left and every different kind of experssion and impression I had in NYC. "Friends" is telling the stories which could happen to anyone of us around the world in an exaggerated way. Even the complex relationships and friendships may not please every fan, however, they showed another world of reality and give the opportunities for fans to reflect on. All in all, I must value their friendships---for good and real friends are always sharing all problems, troubles and happiness.


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