Love, Music and Peace

We are finding out our voices through living around the world. It is always the most important thing to listen to your heart: what do you really want? Follow your mind and discover the world with LOVE and CONSIDERATION.


What a messy day...

You would not be able to imagine what a messy day I had today...

It was a rainning day and I had tutorial with one teacher before the party we are holding for a great professor and friend all the way from Wales. We had planned to hold this party long ago on today, 24th of June, however, I got scheduled with this teacher just 1 week before and I could not be able to reschedule it. Therefore, I must say SORRY for not being able to open the quite room (common room) door and set up tables before the party. However, I asked my dearest flatmate, RoseAnne, to open the door for Kitty around the fixed time and I thought that everything will be just fine. However, I think that things would not just go as what you planned that easily.

The weather was cloudy but at aleast no rain when I went out for tutorial, however, it rained so much and hard when I walked out the building. I was wondering how could I go back for the party just in time so I decided to just go without any raincoat or umbrella. I met Doris and David, the professor from Wales on my way back to the flat. I got to my flat and noticed that none of the participants was there yet. Doris explained to me that Kitty could not find my RoseAnne at all. I thought that I had my key---but....the terriblest thing was I lost my key somewhere in Westwood campus--which meant that I could not even open the door for them and get my wet clothes changed. Anyway...the door opened by someone and I found my key back with Doris' waterproof jacket. In addition, I knew why RoseAnne did not open the door for Kitty because I told her the wrong time. How could I? SILLY ME :(

Moreover, I kept dropping water, fruit,tea and everything on the floor that day. Everything just not work its track. I even realised that I filled out the wrong form that morning for no reason and almost not be able to get my letter just in time. Well...well...I hope that was it...



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